Is Covid – Tax Deductible?

Is Covid – Tax Deductible?

Small business owners who have incurred expenditure on the following will receive a tax deduction: Cleaning of business premises due to contact tracing.Masks purchased for employees/customers.Hand sanitiser.Plastic/Glass shieldsSignageCosts incurred in setting up work...
The Ultimate Checklist to Be Successful This Tax Time

The Ultimate Checklist to Be Successful This Tax Time

Now that we are ‘somewhat’ there, my attention like most of you at this time of year is turning to ‘how much tax am I going to have to pay?’.  30 June signifies the end of the financial year and with some careful review of your numbers and specific advice you can...
Common Questions From the Last Quarter

Common Questions From the Last Quarter

1.  What will happen when Job Keeper stops?  Job Keeper has allowed many business owners, who suffered a loss of revenue by at least 30% to retain staff.  Many business owners were entitled to claim back or be reimbursed for up to $750 per week initially and then...